***Here are the essential MINIMUMS you need to get it running****************
1. C210 pin C, ORANGE - battery feed to PCM, 10 amp fused
3 eye-let connectors in harness near coil/module connector, engine block
(ground), also 2 grounds near starter (black/white stripe)
C100 pin F, BRN - key 12v+ feed to EVAP, EGR solenoids, book shows 10amp fused
C230 pin G, PINK - key 12v+ feed to PCM
C100 pin A, PINK - key 12v+ feed to Injectors 2,4,6,8 7.5amp
C100 pin K, PINK - key 12v+ feed to Injectors 1,3,5,7 7.5amp
C100 pin G, PINK - key 12v+ feed to Coil, Ignition Module 10 amp
C220 pin J, Dk Green/White - fuel pump relay control 12v+ connect to one side
of relay coil, other side to ground, then wire up your fuel pump with say 15
amp fuse.
C230 pin E, dk blue - fuel enable signal - hack stock module or build a unit
to defeat it, see my website
www.lt1swap.com for info, or have chip modified to delete this option.
that should be it to get it fired up. then you can mess with ses light,
cooling fans.
On stand alone installs, things like Oil Level,
Oil pressure, AC Pressure, AC Cycle, AC EVAP Temp, CTS for Gage all have NO
effect on the PCM operations. These can be cut off and taped up and
tucked back in the harness if you like.
a few things to note:
fuel pump relay: computer supplies (12v+) to the relay, wire other side to
cooling fan relays: computer supplies (ground) to the relay, wire other side
to key fused power.
ses light : computer supplies (ground) to turn on light, wire other side of
bulb to key fused power.
If you decide to not have your chip reprogrammed, you will need to have all
emissions solenoids, relays hooked up to prevent ses light. even then the
computer can detect that part of the emissions systems missing during road
tests it performs.
C100 pin F brn - I believe this wire feeds your egr, evap solenoids with fused
power, the computer supplies ground when it commands these.
To prevent the computer from throwing a Quad Driver Module code within the
first 30 seconds of operation, the following must be hooked up.
Fuel Pump Relay, Fan1 Relay, Fan2 Relay, EGR Sol, EVAP Sol, Air Pump Relay
If you don't have a 2nd fan, or don't run an AIR pump, that's fine, but the
relay needs to be there. When the code sets it will defaultly turn on cooling
fans. Even a SES light bulb missing will set a code.
Originally Posted by badZcoupe
Unknown connectors the first one is located by the alt plug the IAC
plug and TPS plug it is a two pin plug and has a tan and blk wire in
it is this the IAC?.
This is your Intake Air Temp sensor, pin A black, pin B tan
Originally Posted by badZcoup
The next one is in the section of harness with C 210, C230, and C220
it is a three pin plug it is small in size pin A wire is grey B is
dark blue and C is blk is this the A/C evaporator temp sensor? .
yes AC evap temp sensor is correct
Originally Posted by badZcoup
On plug C 210 just to be sure
pin A is a large purple wire and is the ignition wire to starter
pin B blk/white ecm ground
pin C orange ecm battery feed
pin D not used.
yes those are all correct
Originally Posted by badZcoup
Next by connector C 100 there is a small single pin plug with a grey
wire in it, is this the fuel pump prime lead, and also in the same
branch as C 100 there is two plugs one is a three pin plug
B Grey
C Red/Blk
and the two pin plug has two dark green wires in it.
grey single plug is fuel pump prime
three pin plug is A/C Refrigerant pressor sensor
two pin plug is A/C low pressure cut off switch
Originally Posted by badZcoup
By the starter are three eyed connectors two are blk/white do these
tie to the engine block and the larger gauge purple goes to the
iignition side of the soenoid.
There should be two grounds, and one to starter (purple).